We Need

So, who’s in this big team? Well, we’re all volunteers. There’s a fabulous mix of vibrant characters – from millennials to baby boomers and beyond. All we need is you!

We Need <br/><span>You</span>
At Home

At Home

We love to mentor students through their mock interviews and career choices and work with them to develop new skills.

For younger schoolchildren we develop creative initiatives and competitions like ‘Young Chef’, ‘Young Photographer’, ‘Young Designer’ and many more including a ‘Youth Speakers Debate’ – as well as raising awareness of topical issues such as peer pressure from social media, alcohol and drugs.

We also support a range of great local projects to help vulnerable people in our community too – providing food, giving assistance to young people who are homeless and experiencing housing difficulties and helping to combat loneliness and isolation among our older. Sometimes, it’s the little things.

For our budding local entrepreneurs and new businesses, we’re happy to step in with mentoring and a listening ear. We’re here to help.

We organise all sorts of events throughout the year – business events, community events and seasonal events – to raise funds for subjects we’re passionate about and to make good things happen.


Our work helps Rotary tackle issues abroad such as providing clean water and sanitation, promoting peace, supporting literacy and education and fighting to end diseases like Polio.

Did you know that we’ve virtually eradicated Polio? It’s true – Rotary has played an active role for the last 35 years, in eliminating polio – and we’re almost there. Each year, we plant thousands of purple crocuses in support of Polio Awareness.

We’re involved with all sorts of projects. In Malawi, we raised enough money to provide a freshwater bore hole so the community can water their maize crops. These crops feed their whole village. Anything that’s left over goes to market to raise funds to further develop their school, which is now fully sufficient.

Other projects are ongoing across Africa and Asia to promote sustainable farming, provide clean drinking water, build schools and provide teacher training as well as support people affected by natural disasters. Our Shelter Box and Aqua Box projects enable people affected by tragedies to survive the first few weeks after they have lost everything.

We’re proud of the work we do and the difference we make. It’s what drives us.


Rotary Opens opportunity

There’s a lot going on in the world at the moment. In fact, your own life can throw a lot at you. Charity work and volunteering can have positive impacts on your own well-being as well as having beneficial effect on others.

Rotary Opens <span>opportunity</span>

Here’s what’s in it for you:

This is your opportunity to realise your passion to help others and help to change their lives. Being part of a global, as well as a local network of like-minded people, means you are limited only by your imagination.

Rotarians come in all shapes and sizes, no-one is excluded, we are all-encompassing and we all want the same thing – to help others have a better life. Because of our diversity, you will meet and make friends with interesting people you may never meet in your normal day to day life.

Rotary offers you many opportunities to develop your leadership skills in many areas.

Rotary is a global organisation in more than 200 countries and geographical locations (more than the United Nations) with 1.2 million people – the networking opportunities are almost limitless, enabling you to build your connections locally, nationally and across the world.

Not only can you pick up new skills working in Rotary, such as communication, logistics, organisational and many others, there’s a whole library of on-line training too, that will help with your personal development – not just in Rotary, but in your working life as well.

Rotary is not just about helping others, although that is its primary function, it is also a networking organisation.  1.2 million Rotarians networking with each other and beyond means that the opportunities to serve our communities at home and abroad are almost limitless.

We Rotarians like to think we have 1.2 million friends, it’s just that we haven’t met all of them yet.

Be the change, Get Involved. Sign up Today!

Send us an e-mail by filling out the form and we’ll get back to you within the next 24 hours.

    One Rotary Leicester
    We need you.
    The titles "Rotary" and "Rotary International", and the various Rotary logos and images are © Rotary International Inc. and Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland.
    Founded 1916; R.I.B.I. | Club No. 13 Charity Fund | Charity Registration No. 507525
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